The Teton Bros Guide to Avalanche Safety for Backcountry Skiing and Riding

To many skiers and riders, the backcountry represents the pinnacle of riding and immersion in the mountains. While resort riding scratches the itch of being in the mountains, lift lines, expensive passes, and crowds can make the modern ski experience feel a bit like going to Disney World. There are many reasons to ski and ride: the thrill of the descent, the comradery of mountain culture, and the tranquility of the mountains, to name just a few. If natural immersion is what draws you to skiing, then you may be well suited for the backcountry. Stepping into the backcountry is not to be taken lightly. The mountains can be deadly, and preparation is vital. If you're backcountry curious, we encourage you to take an avalanche safety course and invest in the necessary gear to stay safe in the mountains. Teton Bros was born for backcountry riding. We've compiled a list of essential avalanche safety tips to supplement proper training, not a replacement. Continue reading below for
The Teton Bros Guide to Avalanche Safety for Backcountry Skiing and Riding.
What Causes an Avalanche?

Avalanches kill approximately 28 people in the United States each year. The Rocky Mountains are the most avalanche-prone range in the United States, thanks to a combination of heavy snowfall, high elevation, and steep slopes. However, avalanches can happen on any mountain where snow falls, so avalanche awareness preparation is critical for anyone stepping into the backcountry. Several contributing factors lead to avalanches: a steep slope, heavy snowfall, a weak layer of snowpack, and a catalyst. The catalyst can be human action, such as a skier or climber traversing a slope or a natural catalyst, like a gust of wind.
When and Where Do Avalanches Occur?

An avalanche can happen on any slope with snowfall at virtually any time, but in the United States, certain times of year and locations are significantly more dangerous than others. Winter, specifically from December to April, is when most avalanches occur, but Avalanche fatalities have been recorded in the United States in each month of the year. Most avalanche fatalities occur in January, February, and March when snowfall is typically at its highest. Despite that, May and June also see a high amount of avalanche-related deaths, underscoring the danger of spring snow and melting season. Colorado is infamously home to the most avalanche deaths in the United States, followed by Alaska and Wyoming. Avalanche fatalities have been recorded in 16 U.S. states: Colorado, Alaska, Montana, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Idaho, California, Oregon, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Vermont, Arizona, and North Dakota.
What Conditions Can Lead to an Avalanche

Several key factors influence avalanches, including weather, snowpack conditions, slope angle and orientation, terrain, vegetation, and elevation.
Avalanches are most likely during or after storms, particularly within the first 24 hours. Temperature, wind, and snowfall during storms can significantly impact avalanche risk.
The development of the snowpack throughout the season plays a crucial role in stability. Layers may bond weakly, especially after rain or rapid temperature changes. Depth hoar, a weak, granular snow layer, is often a major cause of avalanches.
Slope and Orientation
Most avalanches occur on slopes between 30 and 45 degrees but can also occur on lower angles under certain conditions. North, east, and northeast-facing slopes are often more prone due to cooler temperatures and snow accumulation from wind.
Wind can create uneven snow loading, especially on the leeward side of slopes, leading to instability. Cornices or wind-scoured areas are especially dangerous.
Areas like bowls and gullies tend to accumulate more snow and are highly prone to avalanches. Terrain traps, where snow and debris can accumulate, increase the risk.
Heavily forested areas are generally safer, as trees help stabilize the snow. However, lone trees or rocks can create weak points in the snowpack or pose obstacles during an avalanche.
Higher elevations are often more avalanche-prone, especially above 8,000 feet, where conditions are harsher, and snow can accumulate more rapidly. Avalanches commonly start above the tree line and can carve paths through the forest below, posing significant risks to those in the area.
Types of Avalanches

There are two types of avalanches: sluff and slab avalanches. Sluff avalanches occur when the top layer of snow is weak and becomes dislodged, causing a slide. Slab avalanches happen when the weak layer of snow is buried beneath the snowpack and is dislodged by movement, causing the entire section of snowpack to slide at once. Slab avalanches are significantly more dangerous, with snow traveling downhill at high speeds that can reach up to 200 mph.
Avalanche Warning Signs

To best avoid avalanches in the backcountry, it's essential to know what to look for beyond posted avalanche warnings. When you're skiing and climbing in the backcountry, use your eyes and ears to pick up on common warning signs. Be aware of:
Recent Snowfall
If there's been a significant amount of snowfall in the last 24 hours, the risk of an avalanche increases substantially. Additionally, rain, high winds, and a significant temperature change can add to that risk.
Recent Avalanche Activity
Avalanches can have a compounding effect. It's best to avoid sites that have had recent avalanche activity. Signs of recent avalanches include clumpy snow, debris-filled snow, and clear vertical faces where snowpack may have fallen from.
Avalanche Noises
Whumpfing is a term used to describe the sound snowpack makes when it's separated by a catalyst, such as a skier. If you hear a loud "Whumpf" sound from above, clear the area as quickly as possible.
Shooting Cracks
When an avalanche forms, big or small, dramatic cracks form in the snow above and to the side of the fall site. These cracks can stretch for hundreds of feet. If you see shooting cracks form, clear the area quickly.
Be aware of your surroundings in the backcountry, monitor local weather, and check in with the local avalanche weather forecast before heading into the mountains.
Avalanche Safety Gear

Having the correct avalanche safety gear is crucial for backcountry preparedness. The right equipment can be the difference between life and death. Key items to include in an avalanche safety pack are:
Rescue Beacon (Avalanche Transceiver)-Used to locate and be located in case of an avalanche.
Snow Probe- A collapsible pole used for locating victims buried in the snow.
Collapsible Shovel- Lightweight and used for digging out a victim after an avalanche.
Deployable Airbag- Helps you maintain flotation and avoid being buried by the snow.
Avalung Device- Allows you to pull oxygen from the snowpack to survive longer in an avalanche situation.
Worst Case Scenario Avalanche Safety for Backcountry Skiing & Riding

If you're caught in an avalanche while riding, work to get off the moving slab if possible. Ride downhill and veer out of the slide's path. If you're caught in the avalanche's path, activate your airbag, grab hold of a tree, or try to swim your way out. Attempting to swim will keep you closer to the surface and increase your chances of rescue. Once the snow settles, it will become denser, making it difficult to move. If you begin to sink or fall under the snow, keep one hand close to your face so you can form an air pocket in front of your mouth. While under the snowpack, time and oxygen are limited. Clear a space in front of you using your hands and head as soon as possible, then begin punching upwards. If you can't tell which direction is up, use the spit test to identify which direction gravity is pulling and dig/ punch in the opposite direction. Your avalanche beacon should be working, so if you can't dig, sit tight and wait for help.
Avalanche Rescue

If a member of your group is caught in an avalanche, act quickly. Immediately call for help. If you're both wearing beacons, set your beacon to receive and turn off all other electronic devices to eliminate interference. Identify the last place you saw the victim and begin your search. Search in a sweeping pattern across the slide path, staying within 40 meters of other members of your group. Look for loose gear and other signs of the missing skier. When you pick up the signal from the beacon, pinpoint the location by approaching the spot from all sides. Once you locate the spot, use your snow probe to find the victim and begin digging. Time is of the essence during a rescue, so work efficiently without skipping any steps.
Venturing into the backcountry is a privilege that should never be taken lightly. Always go with a group or friend and be prepared for a worst-case scenario every time. If you're new to the backcountry, take an avalanche safety course and ski with more experienced riders. Stay tuned to the TB Journal for more mountain safety tips, gear reviews, and travel stories.